Small talks

Photo by Anthony Flores

Photo by Anthony Flores


By Virtú Ceramics are works of Frank Zhu. I have been making objects with clay in Austin, Texas for about 15 years. I maintain my own ceramic practice and I am passionate about teaching at a community studio in Austin called East Side Pot Shop.


Ceramics is one of the oldest abstract art forms, a vehicle that carries a lot of metaphors. The possibilities and discoveries through ceramics have been the central driving force for me to keep making pots. The ceramics process offers me many opportunities to change, adapt, and manipulate and informs me beyond just the task at hand. This process has been extremely satisfying and rewarding. This process is also the force that makes me passionate about teaching, I want more people to experience clay and become practitioners themselves.


I like pots in good homes, somewhere in the house that bring some balance and joy to the owner. I am communicating some of the qualities and virtues that inspired me through my work. Excellency in craftsmanship, thoughtfulness, sensibility, self betterment without obsessiveness for perfection. The pots are made for people who share these values.

What am I doing now

I am currently investigating different firing temerpature at low fire and mid range. Both as a research project to introduce different influences into my work also as a skill building challenge.